

Good quality education is an essential component of a successful and fulfilling life. It provides individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to succeed in a rapidly changing world. At its core, good quality education is characterized by relevance…

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The CompetencyBased Curriculum (CBC) is a new approach to education that is currently being implemented in Kenya. This approach focuses on developing the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that students need to succeed in life, rather than simply imparting information. The goal of CBC is to produce well-rounded, self-directed learners who are equipped to meet the challenges of…

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Pre-Primary education, also known as Early Childhood Education (ECE), is the foundation for a child’s future education and development. It encompasses the years from birth to approximately five or six years of age and lays the groundwork for future learning. The main goal of Pre-Primary education is to provide children with a safe, supportive, and stimulating environment where they can grow and develop their social, emotional, physical, and…

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Primary education, also known as elementary education, is the first stage of formal education and typically covers the years from five or six to ten or eleven. During this time, children build on the foundation laid in Pre-Primary education and continue to develop their social, emotional, physical, and…

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Junior Secondary education typically covers the years from ten or eleven to fourteen or fifteen and is a critical transition stage in a student’s education. During this time, students build on the foundation laid in primary education and continue to develop their knowledge and skills in a wide…

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Protect Your Child’s Future with Good Insurance: Understanding the Benefits and Importance of Quality Coverage

Good insurance is a form of financial protection that helps you mitigate the impact of unexpected events, such as accidents or illnesses, by covering your costs or compensating you for losses. In the context of education, a good insurance policy can offer peace of mind to parents and help them provide their children with a quality education….

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Positive Parenting

10 Effective Ways to Discipline Your Child for a Bright Future

As responsible parents, our goal is to raise responsible, respectful, and well-behaved children. Positive discipline plays a vital role in the parenting process, and it’s crucial to make sure our discipline methods are effective and positive. Physical punishment like caning not only harms a child’s physical and emotional well-being, but also fails to teach them the…

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Understanding Online Education

Best Online Education Apps for you

The internet has revolutionized the way people learn and access education. Online education is a mode of learning where students can access educational resources and programs via the internet. With online education, students can learn at their own pace, access a wide range of courses, and interact with their peers and instructors without being physically present in a classroom.

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